1) How do I become a patient?

Request a screening appointment. After your request is reviewed, you may be asked to come for a screening appointment.

2) How do I know when it’s time to come in for a checkup?

An average, healthy adult typically benefits from a professional cleaning and checkup every six months. While twice-daily brushing and daily flossing go a long way towards maintaining a healthy mouth, it is wise to check for plaque that has hardened into tartar, requiring professional cleaning to avoid gingivitis.

3) What if I am in pain upon arriving at the clinic?

The clinic offers urgent care services for the relief of pain to non-registered patients. This clinic runs by appointment only.

4) What will my first visit cost?

At About Smiles Dental, our doctors and staff believe in making dental care affordable and accessible for everyone. The doctor will perform the exam and recommend a course of treatment. The office manager will provide pricing information and discuss payment options.

5) Are x-rays necessary?

Absolutely. It is impossible to see directly between the teeth or under the gums or bone without the use of a dental radiograph. Many diseases and conditions can only be detected with the use of dental x-rays. X-rays allow dentists to detect diseases and other conditions much sooner than the clinical examination alone.

6) Do you treat children?

Yes, we do. To ensure a great dental experience for your kids we ask that you call the clinic for accurate information.

7) Do you provide assistance to patients who don’t have insurance and no credit?

Yes. Our team members strive to make dental care available to everyone. Each office offers some financing options for your convenience. Feel free to contact the office for further inquiries.

8) Do you accept my insurance plan?

Our office accepts nearly all of the major insurance plans. Also, we’re well-versed in the latest coverage trends and are more than happy to discuss the particulars of your plan with you before any treatments you may undergo.